Song Comments

Santa Clara

I fun little number (for me, at least) to celebrate turning 60 in April, 2015. A mash-up of the Merry Pranksters' bus "Furthur" and the Google bus, all from the point of view of an aging hippie curmudgeon who shall remain nameless.

Tomorrow's Tears

My first song in almost a year and I still seem to be residing in Liverpool, 1965. This one was written for a special night at HOOT, a benefit for WriterCoach Connection. Props to Joe Christiano, a warm-hearted visionary who teams up with the fabulous Theresa Kelly to co-host the almost-monthly HOOTs. Joe came up with the theme for this event: "THERE'S NO LOVE IN ROCK AND ROLL: Songs from American Romance Comics 1950's - 1970's," along with a list of titles drawn from those comics (examples" "I fell for a Commie" and "I Wont Kiss in That Evil Way"). We were tasked with writing songs based on the titles. So I have Joe and an old romance comic to thank for a perfect launching point. Any flaws in the song itself are mine alone.

Oogie the Sage

All the lyrics and some of the music written in March, 2014. The musical verse has been kicking around in my head for a while, not knowing what it was about. I finally came up with the adventures of Oogie (AKA Lew from New Jersey). Humor and gentle irony seem to go with the mood of the music. Even more Beatlesque than usual, I know. It just came out that way.

Dusk in the Yard

Initial sketch for the 20 song game, 11/14/09. Fleshed out over a few years, and finally re-recorded (though still lean) in late February, 2014 -- a good month for exorcising a winter song. Somewhere between sappy and spooky, I hope. Maybe just sappy. But this song has haunted me for over four years. Out with it!

One Time Around The Sun

Written in late January, 2014. Recorded in late January and early February, 2014. A friend and mentor died last summer. According to the way of his people, we do not speak his name for one year lest he be drawn back by our grief. I can't imagine our wise friend losing his way in this world or any other. The song ruminates on my own sense of our friend's loving, teasing presence and on the tradition I do my best to honor.

Pick a Cloud

Written in late October and early November, 2012. Recorded 11/2/12 and 11/3/12. When I write lyrics, I try to create narrators with lives of their own, try not to dwell too much on my own life or the lives of those I love. On the other hand...

The Writing on the Wall

Initial sketch for the 20 song game, 2/4/12. Lyrics tweaked and bass added, 2/5/12 - 2/11/12. A modest thing but my own (if I may paraphrase Shakespeare).

Come On Tell Me

Initial sketch for the 20 song game, 2/26/11. Filled out and re-recorded, 3/13/11 - 3/16/11. A bit adolescent, maybe, but I wanted to say something energetic about oppressive language masquerading as corporate happy talk. I haven't actually seen the TV show "So You Think You Can Dance," but what a soul-sucking meme! Maybe they'll make a children's version called "So You Think You Can Play." And some of us are old enough to remember "Help Wanted" sections in the newspaper, which became "Employment Opportunities" down the road. How nice: opportunities! But notice the shift in the locus of control. At seventeen (and at four, for that matter), I wanted us all to break out of thralldom. At fifty-five, that still feels right.


Written through 2010 and early 2011. The lyrics long eluded me, and I'm still not sure they're done. For three-and-a-half short verses, I'm indebted to Hans Christian Andersen, Antoine de Saint-Exupery, and William Blake, but not, I hope, to Lorelei: her name rhymes with "goodbye," and if you hear her song, you're in big trouble! At any rate, I break my long online silence with a song about chasing the muse. Another song about chasing the muse, I should say.


Written and recorded for the 20 song game, 1/10. After writing a few sincere New Year's resolutions, I brainstormed a bunch of resolutions I could have made, and wrote them in my journal. When the day came for the 20 song game, I turned the writing exercise into an experiment in prose-like lyrics.

Hang Dog Cat

Initial sketch for the 20 song game, 11/09. Filled out and re-recorded, a few days later. I live with two cats, and ever since I wrote a song about Samsara, I've wanted to write one about Brahma. This song emphasizes Brahma's nefarious qualities.

Warm Air Rising

Initial sketch for the 20 song game, 5/08. Filled out and re-recorded, 10/2009. Trying to satisfy my sweet tooth.

I Wonder Where Samsara Goes

Initial sketch for the 20 song game, 11/07. First full version (in Ditties and Oddities) written and recorded, 4/08. Lyrics tweaked and song re-recorded from scratch, 8/09.

True song about a cat.

Beast to Bed

Initial sketch for the 20 song game, 12/07.
Written in full and recorded, 3/09.
Dark reflections riding light, formulaic music:
I kept the lyrics vague, but I'm not sure whether that choice was artistic or psychological.

Alaina's Fabric

The music came from another song kernel from the first 20 song game I played -- November, 2007.
The original ditty with its placeholder lyrics is the in the "Ditties and Oddities" section.
Actually, I like some of the original lyrics that I spun off to clothe the musical ideas.
I've long wanted to expand the ideas into a proper song, and here's my March, 2009 attempt.

The Man with the Untied Shoe

A kernel of the song was written and recorded for the 20 song game, 9/08.
Lyrics tweaked and the music fleshed out, 2/09.
Just good fun.

The Poppy Fields of Oz

Written and recorded for the 20 song game, 8/08.
Redone with lyircs tweaked in June, 2012.
An attempt to provide an anthem for everyone who has sloughed off the hero's journey,
from the Poppy fields of Oz to the Island of the Lotus Eaters (and back).

Get It Again

Written and recorded for the 20 song game, 5/08.
This first song of the May game is about getting in the groove to write songs.
It took form as a silly conversation between the drill sergeant in my head and my
lazy, nonsensical, occasionally creative self.
Homage to John Lennon I suppose...or the Rutles.


Written in fits and starts from 2001 through 2007. Recorded 1/08.
A California love triangle featuring a man, a woman, a guru, and the fierce and terrible Goddess of destruction.

My Genes

Written and recorded for the 20 song game, 3/08.
The upshot of a conversation about donating to a sperm bank. I tweaked the lyrics in December, 2011.

Sleeping Beauty

Written somewhere around 1984. Recorded 2007 - 2008. Mixed and mastered, 3/08.
A take on my favorite fairytale.

All the Blue

Written around 1991. Recorded 2007 - 2008. Mixed and mastered, 3/08.
An old song about a fallen star still dear to me.

Green Wand

Recorded with new lyrics, 4/08. Recorded as "Pretty Blue" by David Ricardo, 12/07.
David and I agreed to write alterative lyrics for each other's songs.
I stayed with the theme of the lyrics David wrote for the 20 song game last year.
Check out David's original version -- written and recorded in just a few hours! -- at his web site.

Goodbye Joe

Written and recorded, 4/08. First song of the Cafe Europa trilogy written for the 20 song game
I added drums for this version.
In April, we set ourselves the goal of writing songs that were related somehow, so I wrote
three short ones, all set at the same moment in a cafe.
"Goodbye Joe" is from the point of view of regular patron, grieving for his lost friend.


Written and recorded, 4/08. Second song of the Cafe Europa trilogy written for the 20 song game
I added guitar and drums for this version.
In April, we set ourselves the goal of writing songs that were related somehow, so I wrote
three short ones, all set at the same moment in a cafe.
"Stirring" is from the point of view of the female barista.


Written and recorded, 4/08. Third song of the Cafe Europa trilogy written for the 20 song game
I re-recorded this version later in the month (the original sketch was just piano and vocal).
In April, we set ourselves the goal of writing songs that were related somehow, so I wrote
three short ones, all set at the same moment in a cafe.
"Showing" is from the point of view of the artist whose work is showing for a month at the cafe.

Dusk in the Yard (First Sketch)

Written and recorded, 11/14/09 for the 20 song game.
This first pass captures a mood that kept at me until I finished a full (though still short) version of the song over four years later. The full version is on the song page. For the sketch, I threw in some placeholder nonsense lyrics toward the end.

Come On Tell Me (First Sketch)

Written and recorded, 2/26/11 for the 20 song game.
I like the feel of this first pass at the song.

Her Window (First Sketch for what became "Alaina's Fabric")

Written and recorded, 11/07 for the 20 song game.
There's something innocent and expansive in the original ditty that I might have lost in the full song.

Twopenny Shoes

Written and recorded, 5/08 for the 20 song game.
An example of what happens when you have to write and record one more song and you've only
got an hour or so left.

In the Time It Took

Written and recorded, 8/08 for the 20 song game.
Tweaked a little a couple of days after the game.
Another example of what happens when you have to write and record one more song and you've only
got an hour or so left.

I Wonder Where Samsara Goes (First Full Version)

Initial sketch for the 20 song game, 11/07. Written in full and recorded, 4/08. Faster version recorded 8/09, listed under "Songs."

True song about a cat.

I Wonder Where Samsara Goes (First Sketch)

Written and recorded, 11/07 for the 20 song game.
I added and changed a lot for the full version in 4/08, but I still kind of like the original sappy ditty.

Perception Management

Concocted in 2002 with "Acid" software. I tried my hand at sampling. Naming 'em was half the fun!

Innovative Leadership Strategies

Concocted in 2002 with "Acid" software. I tried my hand at sampling. Naming 'em was half the fun!

All the Worlds

Concocted in 2002 with "Acid" software. I tried my hand at sampling. In this one, I tried to create a nice eerie mood. Never got past a rough mix, but I like it. No sarcasm.